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Some of our customers have registered their own domain name, but only use it for email access and never put up a website. We think they are missing out. There are lots of reasons why you might want to create a website. Here are some thoughts.

First, if you are in business, no matter how small, a website is a way to communicate with and connect to the rest of the world. You could use it to publicise your business 24 hours a day – your website never sleeps.

The website could be used to display an up-to-date version of your sales portfolio and is easier and more economical to update than a brochure. You could also use the site to take orders and make you money.

Having an online presence puts you on a more level playing field with your competitors who will probably already have a site.

It boosts your credibility, helps you create and promote your brand, and helps you compete with larger brands.

If you don’t already have a business, you could use a website to create one. Some people use their sites to establish themselves as bloggers with reputations and then get freebies to review. Or maybe you could become a restaurant critic in your area and use the site to post your reviews?

Do you have a hobby? For example, if you are an avid collector you could use your site to show of your collection and maybe reach out to others with a similar passion. Or maybe you have gained and distilled information that others could benefit from – you could pass on your knowledge to help similar enthusiasts.


Maybe you have a story to tell? You could share your experiences with others and inspire them to greater achievements. For example, maybe you’ve lost weight successfully, and have some tips to pass on? Or perhaps you’ve been on a mission to increase your fitness – you could help others to do the same.

Are you looking for a job? Your website could hold your resume.

If you are embarking on a long-term project you could use a website to display a progress report. For example, if you’re building a house or going through a major restoration project.

Websites can be simple to set up, are affordable, and can be flexible and scaleable.

If you need help or advice about creating a new site, please contact our friendly helpdesk.