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Fake Domain Renewal Spam Emails
Over the last week or so we've seen an increase in the amount of spam emails relating to domain ...
eNom Central DNS Outage Affecting Some Customer Services
Updates entered below.
This weekend the central registry company who we partner with for US domain registrations and all of ...
The Rise and Rise of the Scots!
In these dark and uncertain times it's refreshing to have some good and uplifting news for a change. That ...
Tell the world you are open for business with a .SHOP domain!
Over the next few months we'll be letting ...
DotScot Locality Names – Put Your Town on the Online Map!
Back in 2014 when the .scot TLD went live not all domains were created equally. The DotScot registry reserved a ...
‘Keep It Local’ with a .SCOT Domain
For the past few months we've seen a push to 'Keep It Local' to give small, local and regional ...
.UK Domain Names – The Final Phase
A few years ago Nominet launched the simpler, shorter .uk -ending domain names. If someone already had a, or ...
Guidance Regarding Nominet .UK Right of Registration Emails
You may have received an email from Nominet in the past few days, like the one in the image ...
World Intellectual Property Day – Domain Registration Advice
Today (26th April) is World Intellectual Property Day. WIPO, the World Intellectual Property Organisation, gives advice on domain names ...
Beware of Domain Related Cons
We often see unscrupulous companies trying to make money by fooling our customers into doing business with them. These ...