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Screenshot of the Scottish Gardeners' Forum website home page, created using WordPress

One of the most popular website design systems is WordPress. This free CMS gives designers a rich choice of plugins and themes they can use for their sites. But don’t just take our word for it – here’s what the Scottish Gardeners’ Forum had to say:

The Scottish Gardeners’ Forum exists to provide support and encouragement for Scottish garden clubs, to publicise the activities of successful clubs, to organise events for the benefit of clubs in Scotland and to encourage all keen gardeners to join their local club.

We represent around 100 garden clubs and societies throughout Scotland to Government and Scottish national bodies and take part in major Gardening Shows.

The Forum’s website uses the “Total” theme from WPExplorer. This theme provides a Drag&Drop interface for easy page building and includes over 100 modules that you can use to add pricing tables, menu lists, recent news, carousels, siders, and more. We were able to tailor the site to suit our requirements.

The site also uses the Google “Login No Captcha reCAPTCHA” plugin to thwart automated hack attempts. WordPress allows for a number of security related plugins to be used, including WordFence and iThemes too.


If you are interested in using WordPress for your website design, why not contact us on 01381 600580 or drop us a line to [email protected]. We can set up development space for you with WordPress already installed to get you off to a quick start.