Delegating access to your hostworld account
We do not recommend giving out your main account login credentials as this is a security risk. We instead recommend that you delegate access to another user with their own set of credentials and permissions.
To do this please follow the below instructions:
- Login to your hostworld account at
- At the top-right, click your name to show the drop-down menu and select “User Management” from the available options
- Click “Invite New User”
- You will then be presented with a textbox to input their email address. Enter your chosen contact’s email address here
- Select the permissions you wish to delegate to this user. Generally it’s good security practice to only give a user the lowest level of access they require to perform their function. If you want to give them access to everything this option is available also but beware – they’ll be able to administer your account on the same basis as you and have the same authority to make changes to the account if all permissions are selected.
- Click “Send Invite” – the user will then receive an email with an invitation which is valid for 7 days only. They must accept your invite within this time period by clicking the link and then logging in (if they already have an account with us) or registering. The option to resend an invite is shown within the “Pending Invites” section of the “User Management” page.
Once the user has accepted your invitation you can administer their permissions through the “User Management” page by clicking the “Manage Permissions” option next to their user. Changes made here once saved are effective immediately.
If you have any other queries please raise a support ticket via