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Google’s Chrome web browser has started marking web pages as “Not Secure” if they are accessed using HTTP (rather than HTTPS) and it finds password or credit card input fields on them. See Google’s reference page for details.

Chrome looks for any forms containing <input type=password> elements or for any inputs detected as credit card fields. If it finds these and they are on a page which doesn’t use HTTPS then the page will be flagged as Not Secure in the URL bar. At best this could make your page and website look bad, and at worst could put off potential customers and lose you business.

If you want to do something about this, the easiest way is to change your website so that it uses HTTPS. This involves your website host installing an SSL certificate on the site for you. We charge £10* for this service on our Linux hosting and £30 on our Windows hosting.

Google’s eventual aim is to put up a “Not Secure” warning for *all* pages that are served using HTTP instead of HTTPS regardless of whether or not the page contains sensitive input fields, so you should plan to change your site to use HTTPS for all pages as soon as you can.

If you want to make this change on your website, or want to discuss this with us, please call the Calico helpdesk on 01381 600580.

* Prices are per annum, excluding VAT.